KabaLounge would like to thank everyone who entered our first contest! Keep your eyes on this website for more contests in the near future. But now, we would like to congratulate our winner…
who wrote:
The big 3-0, How many slayers make it to that? Buffy should get a spiffy plaque or shiny button “I’m a slayer ask me how… I got to 30!”
Congrats! You have won a page of original art from Season 8 drawn by Georges Jeanty!
You will receive info at the e-mail address you gave us on how to collect your prize!
We would also like to give an honorable mention to the runner-up comments…
Skytteflickan88: A snoopy gang performance from Xander. Possibly from the entire gang.
Cameron: To Wake up one day and have Angel and Spike lying in the bed with her with nothing on lol, And satsu serving breakfast for buffy.
P Newman: You know that scnee in Sweet Home Alabama where Reese Witherspoon gets to pick out any ring she wants? I’d give Buffy that but with shoes.
loyden: Buffy gets a burger named after her at the “Doublemeat Palace”
crazycindy: her mom…Joyce coming back for one entire day as but not as a ghost so that buffy be able to hug her.
Arron S: A mystical Easy Bake Oven with an existential cookie dough timer to keep Buffy on track with her love life. Now with cinnamon lip gloss accessories!
passionbuffy: A drawing by Georges Jeanty, representing her as Power Girl, in a battle with Der Kinderstod, to protect cousin Celia.
Ryan: Gilesbot. Stronger. Faster. More British than before.
P Newman: The cancellation of TRUE BLOOD. That show has got to piss her off.
loyden: Buffy gets to play herself in a broadway musical version of “Once More With Feeling”
Mike D: A big button that reads “I’m the Slayer, ask me how.”
Donna Nicholson: For Buffy to meet Joss.
Ryan: A can of instant Dawn-away*. *Product may cause your memories to change.
Once again, thanks for your comments! They were awesome! Look for more contests in the near future! — Tone Ellis, KabaLounge Webmaster