About Georges

Georges Jeanty

Georges’ steller career has spanned over 25 years in the comics field. With humble beginnings starting out on independent comics, he eventually made his way up to the majors working for DC on titles like Green Lantern, Superboy, Teen Titans and Superman just to name a few. Making a 10 year stop at Dark Horse Comics, Georges drew the Joss Whedon penned series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. Moving to Marvel, Georges graced such titles as Bishop, Gambit, Deadpool and Weapon X before finding his current home on Star Wars titles like Mace Windo, The High Republic, Ahsoka and the Mandalorian. This year will hopefully see more Star Wars titles as well as some creator owned projects now in the works.

For more info, please visit Georges at his website Kabalounge.com

Georges Jeanty was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, along with three younger siblings. After attending courses in the Fine Arts at Miami-Dade College, he considered a career in acting. Still, he decided to use his artistic talent to pursue a career as a commercial artist.

He was inspired by the comic books he read while growing up, featuring superhero icons like Luke Cage, Fantastic Four, and Swamp Thing. However, Georges credits Marvel Comics’ Daredevil #183 (Roger McKenzie and Frank Miller) as pivotal in his decision to pursue a career as a comic book artist. His artistic influences include American comic book artists John Byrne, Michael Golden, and Alan Davis, as well as European comic book artists legends Milo Manara and Jean “Moebius” Giraud.

Georges Jeanty

Georges’ first break into comics was Paradigm #1 (1994) published by Caliber Comics. Soon after, he worked on the “bad girl” comics for London Night Studios, featuring various characters like Poizon, Stryke, and Razor. Moving to Atlanta in 1999, he joined the ranks of Atlanta-based Gaijin Studios.

After breaking in at DC Comics, on titles like Green Lantern, Superboy, and Superman, Marvel Comics offered Georges his first regular ongoing monthly comic book series, Bishop: The Last X-Man (1999). His work with the publisher also included Gambit, Deadpool, Weapon X, and the X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse mini-comic (for the Activision video game). 

In 2003, Georges left Gaijin Studios and formed Atlanta-based Studio Revolver, with Dexter Vines, Tom Feister, Brian Reiber, and Tariq Hassan.

In 2006, DC Comics’ imprint, Wildstorm Comics paired Georges with renowned Hollywood screenwriter John Ridley, for The American Way. This eight-issue comic book mini-series presented a parallel history of the civil unrest during 1960s America. An alternate reality where the United States government created its own “superheroes” and “villains” and arranged fake fights to influence public opinions. And how that world’s first African American superhero would affect real historical events.

While completing The American Way, Georges was contacted by Dark Horse Comics, who asked if he was interested in working on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight comic book. Buffy’s creator, Joss Whedon, who had been a fan of Georges’ work since Bishop: the Last X-Man, specifically asked for him. Dark Horse Comics published various Buffy comics when the television show was on the air, but not all the were “canon.” However, this new comic book series was the official continuation of the popular television series that aired for seven years, hence its name.

Georges started penciling the first issue of “Buffy Season Eight” immediately after completing The American Way, working closely with Joss Whedon in bringing the TV series to the comic book world. In doing this, Whedon strictly wanted “comic book stylized” versions of the Buffy characters, that carry the essence of their television counterparts, without looking like redrawn picture stills.

Much attention to detail still goes into rendering these stylized versions, Georges saying, “It takes me 30% more time to do a Buffy page than, say, a Gambit page, because of the likenesses. But how hard is my job when I get to sit around all day and draw Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, or Michelle Trachtenberg?”

The “Buffy Season Eight” comic book series received a nomination for the 2008 Eisner Award for Best New Series and the collected trade paperbacks were regularly listed on The New York Times Graphic Books Best Seller list. But from its initial 34-issue run, issue number 12 is considered a stand out in literary achievement. Titled “Wolves at the Gate” and written by Hollywood veteran Drew Goddard, the story received an accolade from Diamond Comic Distributors for Licensed Comic Book of the Year and was honored by the GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Comic Book.

Georges worked on additional Buffy “seasons” with alumni Buffy TV show writers Jane Espenson, Jed Whedon, Zack Whedon, and comic book writers Brian K. Vaughn, Jeph Loeb, and Brad Meltzer. The comics proved so successful that Dark Horse published comic book continuations for other Joss Whedon creations, like Firefly/Serenity, with Georges providing the art. Dark Horse’s “Whedonverse” line of comics and collected graphic novels ended with “Buffy Season Twelve” in 2018, as licensed ownership of these properties was acquired by another publisher. Also, during that time, Georges revisited the alternate history created by John Ridley with American Way: Those Above and Those Below.

In 2019, Georges launched and successfully funded his first Kickstarter and expanded his website KabaLounge.com to include an online store. Currently, Georges has returned to the multi-media sphere (this time via Lucasfilm), doing interior art for Marvel Comics’ comic book adaptations of the Disney+ ‘Star Wars’ streaming shows ‘The Mandalorian’ and ‘Ahsoka’.

Notable Comic Book Works

Bishop the Last X-Man (1999)
Weapon X (2002)
Gambit (2004-05)
The American Way (2007)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight (2007-11)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine (2011-13)
Deadpool Vol. 3 “Funeral for a Freak” (2013)
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (2014)
Serenity: No Power in the ‘Verse (2017)
The American Way: Those Above and Those Below (2017)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Twelve (2018)
X-Man: X-Tremists (2019)
U.S.Agent: American Zealot (2021)
Shadow Doctor (2021)
The Mandalorian: Seasons One and Two (2022-23)


2005 – Wizard Book of the Month, Legion of Superheroes v5 #9 (DC Comics)

2007 – Diamond Comic Distributors, Comic Book of the Year, under $3.00, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Eight #1 (Dark Horse)

2008 – Diamond Comic Distributors, Licensed Comic Book of the Year, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Eight #12 (Dark Horse)

2008 – Eisner Award, Best New Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Eight (Dark Horse)

2009 – GLAAD Media Awards, 20th Annual Outstanding Comic Book, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Eight “Wolves at the Gate” (Dark Horse)

2009 – Wizard Magazine, Top 100 Graphic Novels of the Wizard Magazine Era, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Eight “Wolves at the Gate” Placed #67 (Dark Horse)

2014 – New York Times Bestseller List, Serenity: Leaves On The Wind Graphic Novel (Dark Horse)


Grand Comics Data Base
Georges comic book and graphic novel checklist

Georges’ digital comics from the world’s largest cloud-based digital comics service

Dark Horse Digital
Buffy and Serenity and The Guild! OH MY

Comic Art Fans
A gallery of Georges’ comic book art sold to fans

Comic Art Community
Pinups and comic book cover art

Georges’ Wikipedia entry

Wookieepedia (Star Wars Fandom)
Georges’ Comic Creator Page

League of Comic Geeks
Georges’ Comic Creator Page

Comic-Con Panels


  • Star Wars
  • Buffyverse / Whedonverse
  • Firefly / Serenity
  • X-Men (Bishop, Gambit, Wolverine, Deadpool, Weapon X)


  • Comic book adaptations
  • Diversity in comics
  • Comic book storytelling fundamentals
  • College Majoring or Minoring in Art
  • Working for independent comic book publishers
  • Working with licensed characters


Scoop talked to Georges about these titles as well as his interest in art in the days before his comics career.

070 Marvel Reread Club 1965 Annuals
It’s our King-Size 1965 Annuals episode! Veteran Marvel penciller Georges Jeanty joins us to discuss Journey Into Mystery Annual #1 featuring Thor, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2, featuring Dr. Strange, and Fantastic Four Annual #3, featuring the wedding of Reed and Sue! Check it out!

089 Marvel Reread Club 1966 Black Panther
Veteran Marvel penciller Georges Jeanty rejoins us to discuss Fantastic Four 52 and 53, the two-part debut of the Black Panther! Cassette recorders! Whistling Watusi! Check it out!

Comic Book Squares Podcast
In this final episode from Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023, we’re talking to Eisner-winning comic book illustrator Georges Jeanty!

The Fanbase Weekly Podcast
A Special Edition of The Fanbase Weekly Podcast: A Fanbase Feature Interview with Artist Georges Jeanty (KabaLounge – Art of Georges Jeanty), Looking Back on ‘Serenity: Leaves on the Wind’ (2014 – Dark Horse Comics) 10 Years Later.