Buffy’s birthday is on January 19th (which happens to be when issue #40 comes out). So we’re throwing her a birthday party, and you’re invited!
KabaLounge.com asks: If you could give Buffy Summers one birthday gift, what would it be?
Send us your creative idea for the perfect birthday gift for Buffy.
“And what do I get?!” you ask.
One (1) winner will receive a page of original art from Season 8 drawn by Georges Jeanty!
We’ll keep THE RULES simple:
- Send us your idea by leaving a comment at the bottom of our contest page. Go to www.kabalounge.com or go directly to our contest page by pasting this address in your browser: kabalounge.com/buffy-bday-cont-page/
- Gift ideas can be no more than 140 characters (with spaces).
- You can send as many gift ideas as you like. One gift idea per comment.
- The gift idea can be sensible or as outrageous as you want it to be. Some of the better suggestions will be posted in the Lounge.
- The deadline for entries is 12:00 pm EST, January 17, 2011.
- The winner will be announced on KabaLounge.com, 12:00 pm EST, on January 19, 2011.
- If there are similar entries they will be judged on creativity and originality, so put your thinking caps on and give us your best. Remember, it’s for Buffy!
- Judging will be done by the Lounge, and all decisions will be final.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Good luck! – KabaLounge Webmaster
Possibly another “sprinkles” moment…? And I’m not taking about the birthday cake.
BIRTHDAY MUSICAL shall we? Yaaay! But this time, Lady Gaga is pulling the strings! With all the glitter and the leather (and meat), Buffy can’t take all the bizarre costume changes so her wish will be Musical #2 to just END already. But wait, suddenly the Scooby’s are adored by the gays do to their Gaga inspired break-away-pop-hits and suddenly ALL is forgiven for Buffy’s Season 8 shenanigans!
The big 3-0, How many slayers make it to that? Buffy should get a spiffy plaque or shiny button “I’m a slayer ask me how… I got to 30!”
Pat Benatar performs “Promises in the Dark” at the Bronze. Oz plays solo. Slayers and Vamps have a dance off doing Benatar dance moves.
A snoopy gang performance from Xander. Possibly from the entire gang.
A “…and then Buffy staked Edward. The End.”-t-shirt
A Team Willam t-shirt.
I’d give her equality… now.
These boots are also the height of fashion, of course
A super pair of boots that, when worn by Buffy, will ensure that no one who is faithful to her will ever be harmed or killed
For Buffy to meet Joss
For all of her quirky comments to be published in a book and sold world wide.
For her to wake up and realize it was all just a dream and carry on with a normal life back in Sunnydale.
You know that scnee in Sweet Home Alabama where Reese Witherspoon gets to pick out any ring she wants? I’d give Buffy that but with shoes.
A car with a driver’s license and hopefully she won’t drive like a spaz.
A big button that reads “I’m the Slayer, ask me how.”
A Betta George puppet from “Shadow Puppets.”
A big button that reads “I’m the Slayer, ask me how.”
stylish, and *un-affordable*, boots.
stylish, and unaffordable, boots
To Wake up one day and have Angel and Spike lying in the bed with her with nothing on lol, And satsu serving breakfast for buffy.
A subscription to the “Cheese of the Month” club. The gift that keeps on giving.
A slayalive account- so she can vote for herself in “Character Battle Round 3”
Buffy gets a burger named after her at the “Doublemeat Palace”
Buffy gets to play herself in a broadway musical version of “Once More With Feeling”
Buffy gets a scrapbook of Sunnydale to remember it by in years to come
Buffy gets the gift of never aging (so we can have season 9, 10 ,11, 12 etc without age becoming an issue)
A unique edition of her Vampyr book (cover by Jo Chen and all interior illustrations by Georges Jeanty)
Buffy should get a huge box of Scooby snacks
Wild group sex with a bunch of hot supermodels. Oh, wait, she’s not a guy….
The cancellation of TRUE BLOOD. That show has got to piss her off.
One. Good. Day.
A cheese plate and all of her family and friends (living and deceased) to enjoy it with her. Come on, we know she likes cheese!
I’d introduce her to Mal Reynolds. I smell a love connection…
A really, really, really soft bed.
For Buffy’s birthday she should receive a an alternate world to pop into and live for a while where she can live a normal life and experience what that is like. Time will remain still in her “real world” while she does this and she can return back to her world when she is ready.
i would give Buffy back everything she’s lost or ever had to sacrifice, w/o taking away the strength she gained from each experience. i would also throw in a healthy retirement package, so she could ‘lay her arms down at last’, complete with the knowledge that those she loves are safe and happy 🙂
An happy slayer training school with giles at the head of it plus right to use the school credit card for her personnal expenses!
One day with her mom and giles at the ice ring
I would give Buffy a man who loves her what she are, what she does, what she tries, a man who loves the best and the worst of her, a man who understands her perfectly clear what she is, a man who never would leave her, a man who would die for her, i.e. SPIKE. That would the BEST birthday present for her! BUT if I had Spike I never would give him as a birthday gift. I would keep him for myself! Sorry, I’m selfish! LOL
A rocket launcher that’s “her color” this time. It’s up to her what that means, but I’m guessing something in a pink with louis vuitton lining. Spoil her, it’s her birthday.
“Yummy sushi” pajamas. Cause Buffy’s old pair (Season 4) probably got destroyed when Sunnydale bit the dust, and she needs a new pair now.
A mystical Easy Bake Oven with an existential cookie dough timer to keep Buffy on track with her love life. Now with cinnamon lip gloss accessories!
I would give Buffy the chance to regain the innocent feelings she had before being Chosen,by giving her the oppurtunity to ice skate with her childhood idol Dorothy Hamill
In my opinion, the best gift she could hope, is to reborn with a normal life (not as a slayer) far away from monsters and vampires in acknowledgement of her sacrifices to fight the apocalypse many times!
Ben Barnes. Because honestly who wouldn’t want Ben Barnes for their birthday?
A “Team Spike” t-shirt to give her a push in the right direction ships wise!
A Angel puppet. All the cool kids got one.
A Snoppy Dance performance by Xander.
Just to get through the day with nothing going wrong, for once!
A world of shoes, three tickets for an ice show and a day off with only Xander and Dawn.
Lip gloss (preferably cinnamon) so she won’t keep moochin’ off Satsu… actually the lip gloss led to some pretty juicy moments so… a date with JAMES SPADER!
He NEEDS to call her!
A box of cookies that say “I’m done.” and a tag that reads “To: Angel From: Cookie me”.
I would get Buffy a cell phone cause she needs one.
I would get Buffy a chance to have a normal life, whether she would take it or not that’s up to her.
I would throw her a birthday party where no one dies.
* Correction – the opportunity to go back in time and change one thing she’d like. (No consequences)
The opportunity to go back in time and change anything she’d like. (No consequences.)
A yellow leather jacket. Because by now, it’s vintage.
Finally, I’ll beg The Doctor *cough cough* for an autograph and a Sonic Screwdriver for Buffy with The Sythe laser etched into it.
I’d go with her to change “planty” into plenty. Then while she is off seeing the stars I will make the Buffy reboot not happen before she gets back.
I would go out, find The Doctor, and have her see the universe and its entirety in the TARDIS. Don’t worry she’ll have planty of time.
I’d give Buffy her Mom back.
Her friends and family to be together and happy. Buffy’s Happiness has always come second to her. So as much as she would want something for herself. I see her doing all she can to make sure the people she love stay safe through the dark times obviously ahead
I would resurrect her mom, and then bring her into our universe so she can knock some sense into the Kazuis.
I would search the world, far and wide,for Kiltipzy’s Phone Booth, a mythical item displayed in the back of Reinhart’s Compendium. This item is said to have preternatural powers. Once entered, the participator is able to communicate with any being that has passed the moral coil. This would allow her to converse with Giles and Joyce. It might even come in handy in season 9 if any of the guys wanna pop in and give Wes a shout out. Happy Birthday Buffy! Love, Nick, the Crappy Gift Slayer
I would get search the world for Kiltipzy’s Phone Booth, a mythical item displayed in the back of Reinhart’s Compendium. This item is said to have preternatural powers. Once entered, the participator is able to communicate with any being that has passed the moral coil. This would allow her to converse with Giles and Joyce. It might even come in handy in season 9 if any of the guys wanna pop in and give Wes a shout out. Happy Birthday Buffy! Love, Nick, the Crappy Gift Slayer
A feature film contract – with Joss as show runner.
A jar of peanut butter, cookie dough-fudge-mint chip ice cream and another magical day with Angel as a normal girl with her normal boyfriend
A Wenger 16999 Giant Swiss Army Knife.
Moral support and understanding. Not everything is her fault.
A bunny, so she can keep Anya in line.
Angel seasons 1-5 DVDs- so she can keep an eye on him.
Jimmy Choos with sharpened wooden heels to be used as stakes- both practical and extravagant!
Spike and Angel wrapped up in a nice, tasteful pink bow.
Money management lessons so she doesn’t decide to resort to bank robbing again.
A grandstand seat for some Angel/Spike naked wrestling. There could be oil involved.
I would give her back the memory of the day in the Episode “I Will Remember You” where she should have become pregnant with Angel’s child.
I would give her some band candy. Right now, I think she would love to feel like a kid again.
Step one: cut a hole in a box…
Sensible shoes. I mean, come on!
I would dress up as the Primitive, say “Death is your gift!” and then jump around on the furniture until everybody left.
A week at ice-skating camp with former Olympians, so she can have something pure and innocent and untouched by death or violence.
A pterodactyl that sings.
A ‘mute’ button that works on Dawn.
Buffy was in heaven for a while, how about a day like that, not only for Buffy, but for everyone.
A name tag, reading: ‘Slayer, The.’
A Mrs. Gordo, to go along with the Mr. 😀
To be “Just A Girl” for one day, in an alternate universe like in Superstar.
A guest spot on GLEE! (Someone needs to show Britney that blonds can be smart and sexy!)
Angel: The Complete Series on DVD. She can experience the joy of Angel and Wes dancing and the hilarity that is the “wee little puppet man.”
Something that’ll warn her if friends are too happy in their romantic relationships.
A new pair of ice skates, as she use to skate as a child.
A kitty, much like miss kitty fantastico except without the dawn death
Really? It’s so obvious. A gift box from Omaha Stakes.
A Spike-bot, an Angel-bot and oil of some kind.
Gilesbot. Stronger. Faster. More British than before.
A birthday that’s not drama filled and horrible… The sort of day that would make the most boring episode ever.
A day with Inara Serra in which they can just enjoy themselves with no demands be placed on them. And no apocalypse-y things happening.
I would also have Dr Drew be her doctor for when she gets sick, or depressed, or anxious. He is the best doctor ever, and Buffy deserves the very best!
I honestly feel she could use a hot-tub, I mean who doesn’t love a hot-tub?
An opportunity to live to a ripe old age of 101, and die smiling thinking “I lived almost as long as my two vampire boyfriends.”
A gift pack containing Penutbutter and Choc-chip cookiedough icecream (‘the perfect yum’ she had with angel) she won’t recall eating it with angel, but she will be like “wow thats my fav, how did you know?”
A little replica umbrella key chain like the one she received at prom.
I would give her the gift of never having to endure a Joss-less Buffy movie.
The Daniel Craig boxset.
I’d hunt and find her a new Mr Gordo, as the original was lost in the Sunnydale Crater.
I saw a cute sweater at Bloomie’s… but I think I want me to have it.
Cookie dough.
Harry Potter’s Wand to use as a stake
Giles back with the magical urn of osiris cause angel was evil and magickal so…it’d work
If possible for Buffy’s birthday I would give her a vacation to anywhere in the world, where she has no demons, vampires, or supernatural issues.
My gift to her would be that everyone successfully defeated Hollywood and there will never be a Joss-less Buffy movie.
A real normal family where she can be happy finally
A day off without monsters running amuck
Little Women Christian Bale and Reign of Fire Christian Bale-jumping out of a cake.
A drawing by Georges Jeanty, representing her as Power Girl, in a battle with Der Kinderstod, to protect cousin Celia.
naked Spike and Angel that have to do whatever she wants :p
A personal door to another dimension where she can have a normal life for a few days, like the universe Lindsey was in, without the torture!
I would get Buffy a nice normal guy who doesn’t care she is a slayer, one she can grow old with.
her own duster, so she can Spike and Angel how much cooler she is then either of them (well maybe not Spike).
I would get Buffy tickets to the ice show like her father used to take her to.
I would get Buffy Giles back.
I’d give her Mr. Gordo back, something tells me he’s kneck deep in Sunnydale.
Faith to give her a happily ever after~
“A kiss from Faith. Time those two get home from the Land of Denial.” seconed.
The Powers That Be could allow Giles to come back just for Buffy’s birthday, and he will take her to an ice show.
A spa day. I’m sure fighting all those vamps mess with your fingernails!
To quote Buffy (in “The Gift”), “I just wish my mom was here,” so that’s what I’d give her… at a party where monsters don’t crash
To never have been chosen.
peace/piece/pease of mind.
peace/piece/pees(e) of mind.
For our little Cookie Dough to be baked !
A can of instant Dawn-away*.
*Product may cause your memories to change.
A chance to say goodbye to Giles.
A coupon for a back rub… or a resurrection
to have been able to finish college
no demons,vampires,evil, or apocylpses to stop a normal birthday
Giles back from the dead. Or at least a visit from his ghost.
A good bye note from Giles. Because he knew it would end this way.
none of the main scoobies to be able to die (willow xander giles)
All the slayers to be good
An Army. What’s that you say? She already has one? Well, I’d just go with some extra-comfy slippers that match her yummy sushi pajamas!
Parker in jail.
A kiss from Faith. Time those two get home from the Land of Denial.
the government on her side
To get the answer to the question “Who the HELL is the Prince?”
so she and faith didn’t have to fight
Nailpolish that makes her nails unbreakable.
to not have had died the second time
A Mrs. Gordo, because Mr. Gordo needs some company.
A new pager. She lost her old one in the last apocalypse.
To have never had Angel be twilight
When she went to the future (in the ‘time of your life’ part of season 8) for the future not to end up that way
every time she slays a vampire “another one bites the dust” goes off i the backround
Never to be in debt
Her to be able to go back in time and fix one thing wronged
To be able to be with the one she loves
life time supply of stakes
Sunnydale to come back
as many stylish yet affordable boots she wants
The world to fear the vampires and not hate the slayers
or xD a wish from the powers to bring a loved one back to life
Buffy gets a wish from the powers that for surviving (sort of…) this long
Evil banished from her Earth.
A ‘normal’ slayer life! Some vamps, some demons, but no yearly apocalypse where she looses at least one friends or family member!
A big rock. So she can tell her friends. They don’t have a rock this big.
A day off!
her mom…Joyce coming back for one entire day as but not as a ghost so that buffy be able to hug her.
A day off.
I would pay Warren to build for her a robot that is half Angel and half Spike. She picks what halves she wants from each 😛
I’d get her some new fabulous shoes, a new dress, a new stake, and a new scythe.
An arm in a box.
Photo album filled with gleaned images of those she loves(d). Life is so fragile and heartbreaking she needs a physical reminder of “why”
A permanent human Angel so she can have what she had in the episode,”I Will Remember You” but for keeps this time.
Angel and Spike dressed as chipendale dancers popping out of a large cake.
Considering the hectic year it’s been, a gift of a spa day would be seriously appreciated by any girl! Complete the new life with a new look!
If I could give Buffy any wish, it’d be Tara. Buffy has never really cared about her own happiness, thinking of her friends first.
One gift that is sure to make Buffy’s birthday wish list is Giles. Now that he’s dead, if there’s any one person in her life that she wishes she could bring back, it’s him.