Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1 (Blank “Cover D” Variant)


Includes an original FULL-FIGURE ($150) or HEAD-BUST ($50) cover sketch by Georges Jeanty of your favorite Star Wars character.

Please specify which character you want for the sketch in the “Order notes (optional)” section, located at the bottom of the CHECKOUT page.

  • Near Mint (NM) Condition
  • First printing
  • Comic comes bagged with a backing board and mailed flat

Writer: Charles Soule
Interior Artist: Phil Noto

Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance by General Leia Organa to lead a squadron on a top secret and vital mission…Poe sets off investigating sites of historical importance to the Force.

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Marvel Comics (2015)